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with Michael Kokinos
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The TaKeTiNa rhythm process was developed by Austrian musician Reinhard Flatischler after years of traveling the world’s cultures seeking that which is both universal and human in the language of music. www.taketina.com |
TaKeTiNa is
IMMERSION IN RHYTHM TaKeTiNa works with the original rhythmic archetypes in nature and the cosmos. The body is our instrument - using the voice, claps and steps, participants are guided into different rhythmic layers and transitions. During the TaKeTiNa process, as rhythmic complexity increases, the quality of perceptive awareness deepens, widens and becomes multi layered. The alternation of chaos and order phases during the process activates the autonomic nervous system - producing a 'vagotonus' state beneficial for the body's natural resilience and healing potential. A deeply relaxing and meditative process, it requires no musical experience and invites participants to go at their own pace. For some, it is a unique opportunity for learning and personal growth …many participants report a feeling of freedom and of 'coming home', for all it is good fun . |
TaKeTiNa is Pure Rhythm :
here are some quotes on the
connection between rhythm and life
"What Nutrition is for the Body,
Rhythm is to the Soul"
Dr. Michaela Gloekler
“For I realize today that it is a sin to violate the great laws of nature.
We should not hurry, we should not be impatient,
but we should confidently follow the eternal rhythm.”
― Nikos Kazantzakis, Zorba the Greek
We see that music, like the world, is formed from unchanging mathematical principles
deployed in time, creating complexity, variety and beauty
Arthur Eddington , Scientist (1882-1944)
"Rhythm does not only carry life,
it also carries health and well-being"
Dr Ulrich Meyer
"Genuine dance becomes an act of wholeness
and a shedding of weight, a shifting of rhythms
that puts a person back in touch
with the turning of the world and the singing of the spheres"
Michael Meade , The Water of Life
It is not interference in life which is in itself necessarily a violation of life
but arbitrary interference which destroys the rhythm instead of continuing it.
Beat repeats; rhythm renews.
Ludwig Klages
"For centuries now, our spiritual aspirations have taken us beyond the Earth, away from home.
The open secrets of Earth are on the verge of being completely forgotten,
for her ways are given through immediacy of heart, sensing, and bodily engagement.
We have to listen deeply to our union with Earth to hear her mysteries.
Our ways of life reveal their reverence or desecration with Earth.
The connection, though, is not one of cause-effect,
but of rhythmic harmony or dissonance"
Robert Sardello
Excerpt from the Kyballion
(a book on ancient Greek/Egyptian Wisdom)1912
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates"
"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites;
like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree;
extremes meet; all truths are but half truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."
"Everything floes out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall;
the pendulum swing manifests in everything,
the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left;
rhythm compensates and balances
There is always an action and reaction; an advance and a retreat;
a rising nd a sinking; manifested in all the airs and phenomena of the Universe. Suns,worlds,men,animals,plants,minerals,forces, energy, mind,matter
and yes even spirit manifests this Principle.
This Principle manifests in the creation and destruction of worlds,
the rise and fall of nations, in the life history of all things,
and finally in the mental states of man."
All searching for so-called solid matter is really rather nonsensical.
If man will only give up looking for anything coarsely material as the basis of nature
he will come to something quite different;
he will discover rhythms, rhythmical orderings, everywhere in nature.
These rhythmical orderings are there, but as a rule modern materialistic science ignores them.
This rhythmical order is there in the whole of nature.
In the plants one leaf follows another in rhythmical growth;
the petals of the blossoms are ordered rhythmically,
everything is rhythmically ordered.
Fever takes a rhythmical course in sickness; the whole of life is rhythmical.
The discerning of nature's rhythms — that will be true natural science.
Rhythm Carries Life..
Rhythm Restores Power
Rudolf Steiner