the land...the beginning...
Blue Sky Therapies was established in 2005 in response to a need in the Katherine community for a physiotherapy clinic. Michael moved to Katherine in 2002 take on a federal government project working in remote indigenous community health and education. He worked with the elders, as well helping children with disabilities integrate into schools, creating employment for indigenous people in remote communities. During that time he received repeated requests from community members wherever he went to open a physiotherapy practice. He decided to respond this need and renovated a room at his home into a consulting room. While Blue Sky Therapies started its life as a physio clinic, these beginnings were the first sprouts of a much larger vision for a therapy centre which has included included massage therapy, craniosacral therapy, osteopathy, psychological services, educational consulting, and both local and international partnerships and collaboration.
The business has an intimate relationship with the unique natural and cultural environment and spirit of this place. Blue Sky Therapies has emerged out of the strong forces of the earth here, out of the local geography - looking at an aerial view of the stunning Katherine Gorge gives a picture of these forces. We are situated in an ancient landscape, a timeless landscape, a powerful lanscape where there has been a continuous Indigenous culture for millennia - the Katherine region is 'strong country' - and you can feel the spirit.
The business has an intimate relationship with the unique natural and cultural environment and spirit of this place. Blue Sky Therapies has emerged out of the strong forces of the earth here, out of the local geography - looking at an aerial view of the stunning Katherine Gorge gives a picture of these forces. We are situated in an ancient landscape, a timeless landscape, a powerful lanscape where there has been a continuous Indigenous culture for millennia - the Katherine region is 'strong country' - and you can feel the spirit.